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Humberside Airport Parking

About Humberside Airport:

Humberside airport (HUY) resides just 15 miles from Kingston upon Hull in the borough of North Lincolnshire. This airport was initially owned by Manchester Airport Group - the biggest UK airport group. It has since been sold in 2012 to the Eastern Group of Companies. Previously an RAF base in World War II, this airbase was deserted after the war until it was renovated in the 1970s and it became an airport.

What Facilities Does Humberside Airport Parking Offer?

Humberside airport parking offers 4 car parks all just a short walk to the terminal building. There is no off-site parking since the surrounding area is just farm lands. One of the added benefits of choosing Humberside airport parking is that you can save up to 30% off if you pre-book your parking space online. However, do note that all pre-booked spaces must use car parks 2 to 4. This is because car park 1 is a drop off zone and it is free for up to 15 minutes. This makes it very convenient to choose parking at Humberside airport as your close ones can drop you off!

Why Pick Airport Parking Hunter for Parking at Humberside Airport?

Our website is unique. We are not a car parking company. We do not own any car parks or the rights to lease out any spaces at any car park close to the airport. Instead, we are a price comparison website. If you give us the dates that you want Humberside airprot car parking, then we will whisk those through our system and come up with the best possible deals for you. Our prices are often far cheaper than going to one of the parking companies direct.

With us you can expect to find affordable prices for parking at Humberside airport. Also guaranteed safety for your car since our recommend car parks have 24-hour security.

Getting To The Airport

To find on-site parking at Humberside airport is located off the main A18 road, and Junction 5 of the M180. The full address is:
Grimsby road,
DN39 6YH

More Information about Humberside Airport Car Parking

If you have any other questions related to Humberside airport car parking then, click here to see our frequently asked questions.